Infiniti Nutraceuticals advantage is the proprietary chemical free water extraction process that removes the thin pink membrane from its bond with the eggshell calcium carbonate. This unique process preserves the important natural compounds such as the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and hyaluronic acid nutrients.
kollagen I.V.X™ Hydrolysate contains collagen types I, V, X, are powerful compounds found in eggshell membrane accounting for 15% to 20% of the total collagen. Eggshell membrane contains about 100 parts of Type I collagen to 1 part Type V collagen and contains the rare Type X collagen. Type I collagen is very important in bone and skin development and maintenance, Type V collagen is required for assimilation of TypeI, while Type X collagen protects the embryo and other important tissues.
Collagen I
Type I collagen is very important in bone and skin development and maintenance
Collagen V
Type V collagen is required for assimilation of TypeI
Collagen X
Type X collagen protects the embryo and other important tissues